
In this Section


    The culture of ambition which exists in the Arbor School supports the ideas of recognising, rewarding and retaining excellence in all forms. The Arbor School’s Ignite Scholars programme is an avenue to pursue and embed this culture whereby students demonstrating excellence may be recruited, rewarded, and retained through a scholarship programme.

    The value of a scholarship is up to 75% of annual fees. Scholarships are for fixed periods of time (usually 2 years in duration).

    To apply, please complete the application form linked here



    All applicants must complete the application form found here . An application can be preceded by a tour of the school and an appointment with a Scholarship Ambassador.


    Applications are welcome from students entering into year 7 through to year 10. Awards commence in the academic year immediately following the application and selection process. Applications are welcome from any student demonstrating the prerequisite skills and abilities, from new or existing students.

    Scholarship Criteria

    Scholarships will be awarded to students demonstrating the potential to achieve to the highest levels. Selected candidates will demonstrate outstanding prior achievement or academic capacity in one or more subject areas, and are expected to meet most or all the following criteria:

    • Stanine 9 in the GL CAT4 assessment in at least 3 of the 4 batteries
    • Stanine 9 in more than one of the English, Math and Science GL Progress Tests
    • Equivalent levels of attainment in other, recognised standardised assessments

    Additional demonstrable levels of excellence may be taken into consideration, including excellence in sports, arts or culture; however academic achievement is the deciding factor when considering applicants for the Arbor Scholarship Programme.


    Stage 1 – Submission of Application

    Submit relevant documents through the Arbor School website. All documents submitted will then be reviewed by an assessment committee, including at least 3 of the following:

    – Principal

    – Head of School

    – Academic advisor (e.g. Head of subject, Key Stage leader etc)

    – Senior leader

    – Head of Admissions

    Applicants will be expected to meet the academic, attendance, attitudinal and behavioural requirements to succeed in the rigorous programme provided by the Arbor School, as well as meet the criteria listed in section 3. The application should provide verification of an appropriate level of academic performance.

    Stage 2 – Interview

    Following short listing of the initial field, applicants will be called for interview at the Arbor School. The assessment committee will identify the relevant individuals to interview applicants, and their judgments will be passed to the Board of Directors for final consideration.

    Following stage two, the Board of Directors and the Principal will identify those students to whom Scholarships will be awarded. This decision will consider:

    – Academic performance/ potential

    – Attitude and effort

    – Range and priority of areas to which the applicant can contribute

    – Current balance of scholars


    The Arbor School will endeavour to complete the scholarship selection prior to the end of the Autumn Term (Term 1); however, the exact dates will vary depending on local holiday dates, religious observances, or academic priorities.


    Scholarship offers are individual and personal, and as such remain confidential to each scholar. As such, parents will be expected to sign a non – disclosure agreement ensuring the details of their contract remain confidential. This document endeavours to ensure the clarity of the process, however any scholarship offers made to individuals will vary in nature, provision, and value.


    Arbor scholars will:

    – Demonstrate a high level of academic achievement in a range of subjects and areas. Maintenance of a record of high academic achievement is pre-requisite to the retention of the award.

    – Always demonstrate outstanding commitment to the Arbor Vision and Values

    – Meet all academic requirements of their age appropriate course.

    – Meet all pastoral, attitudinal and behavioural expectations of an Arbor student

    – Support the Arbor Schools sporting, arts, community and environmental programme

    – Meet the targets and expectations of their personalized plan where provided

    If your child is selected as a scholar, you agree to their:

    – Participation in Olympiads, competitions etc. either on campus at the Arbor School or at other venues

    – To be included in various Arbor School marketing and promotional material from time to time


    All scholarship students will be provided with an Excellence Pathway. General provision for Scholars will include:

    – Personalised academic pathways and guidance

    – Identification of an individual or group mentor to develop an Academic Excellence Pathway, which will include SMART goals and expectations

    – Regular group/ individual sessions to improve academic performance across a range of topics such as study skills, examination technique, university counselling

    – Access to high quality facilities, teaching and personal guidance

    – Mentoring sessions including external coaches or experts

    – Additional support time for extension and support


    Arbor Scholars will be role models for the students of the Arbor School and to students from other schools or associated groups. The Arbor school will:

    – Recognise students through provision of regular opportunities to speak to other students

    – Recognition through displays and honour boards

    – Recognition through a range of media


    To visit book a tour of our campus before applying for the Arbor Scholarship, please click here

    Enough for all, forever.