Throughout the Primary School Years, we cultivate emotional, social and ecological intelligence through daily school experiences across all subject areas. We provide stimulating learning opportunities which lead to children progressing through a series of assessment levels, culminating in their graduation in Year 6. Assessment is ongoing, both formal and informal, and all pupils are offered a personalised learning experience to ensure all areas of the curriculum are understood so that they are fully prepared for secondary school.

From the earliest years, our children begin to develop their understanding of ecoliteracy and become aware of both local and global issues surrounding environmental justice. This is supported by a commitment to exploring local ecosystems, whilst accessing our climate-controlled biodomes and learning garden for more detailed work within controlled environments.

In Years 1-4, children have their own class teacher who delivers the majority of their daily learning. Subject-specific teachers teach Arabic, Islamic studies, music, PE, swimming and French (Years 3 and 4). Every week children work in our learning gardens and biodomes as part of their project work thereby extending their experience out from the classrooms.

Play is very important in their development and children have a 20 minute morning break and a 40 minute lunch break. The focus in these years is to providing stimulating learning opportunities for children through well-planned and prepared lessons.  Assessment is on-going, both formal and informal, and we ensure all our students know their next steps for learning.

In Years 5 and 6 we prepare children for KS3 and Secondary education and we begin to introduce more subject-specific teachers. Students have a form tutor who is with them at the start and end of their day as well as delivering some of the learning in their timetable. Students then rotate to subject-specific teachers who deliver the rest of the curriculum. Learning is project-based and takes place in the school as well as extending into the local community. Students continue to have a morning and a lunch break to mix and interact with their peers.

Enough for all, forever.