Thrive at Arbor

Thrive@Arbor is a collaboration of student support services which identifies and personalises learning pathways for Arbor students. Helping students to discover their purpose & passion. 

  • Aims:

  • Active citizenshipAbility to connect, engage with and lead people, through the development of their skills and knowledge to build fairer, sustainable and resilient societies.  
  • Growth mindset – Ability to set goals and persevere with the journey towards achievement. 

  • Employability and Career‘Ikigai’ – a reason for being. (What you are good at, what you love, what the world needs and what you could be paid for.) Ability to work. 
  • Individual development – Purpose and passion towards independence and sustainable life skills. 
  • Alternative pathways – Learner directed programs and projects based on interests. 

  • Social inclusion – Purposeful and successful interactions and relationships whilst belonging to community. Ability to demonstrate empathy and compassion. 
  • Health and vitality – Ability to engage in positive life choices and wellbeing practices. 
  • Therapeutic input – Supported intervention from internal and external specialists. 

Key Topics:

  • Students of Determination

Our Commitment to SEND 

At Arbor, we are dedicated to providing an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and we are committed to ensuring that our educational practices are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students. 

Our Vision 

We envision a school where every student, regardless of their abilities, can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. By embracing the principles of inclusion and equity, we aim to create a nurturing environment that prepares all our students for a successful future. 

Our Approach 

  • Individualised Support: We offer personalised learning plans that cater to the unique strengths and challenges of each student. Our experienced staff work closely with families and specialists to create strategies that promote academic and personal growth. 
  • Inclusive Environment: Our school fosters an inclusive culture where all students feel valued and respected. As a full accessible school, students learn alongside their peers and develop a deep sense of belonging. We celebrate diversity and encourage understanding and empathy among our students using Positive Psychology and Education values. 
  • Specialised Staff and resources: Specialist inclusion teachers and learning support guide class teachers and students with best practice using the latest research. Highly qualified staff identify barriers to learning with the support of our onsite educational psychologist. Students can access focused interventions, sensory spaces and assistive technology. 
  • Professional Development: Our staff receive ongoing training in the latest SEND practices and methodologies to ensure they are equipped to support our students effectively. 
  • Collaboration with Families: We believe in the power of partnership and actively involve parents and caregivers in the educational journey of their children. Regular communication and collaboration are key to our approach. 
  • Personalised Pathways: Curriculum modifications and accommodations combined with alternative pathways ensure all Thrive students leave school with qualifications and skills specific to their needs. 

Students can access a range of different support strategies –  


  • English Language Learners

Arbor students have access to a growing EAL department consisting of specialist teachers and bi-lingual support assistants.  

Students new to English become emersed in the English language through a range of support strategies: 

  • Focused 1:1 session with an LSA 
  • In class support 
  • Peer mentoring 
  • Conversation café  
  • Reading buddies 
  • Assistive technology and online platforms 
  • Streamlined timetable to support a language development focus 
  • Language based ECA program 
  • On and offsite experienced based workshops 
  • Alternative English Language acquisition tracking system 

English Language guidance is also available to parents through practical workshops.


  • Accomplished and Twice Exceptional Students

Highly able as well as twice exceptional students and scholars access personalised pathways through identification of cognitive strengths, leadership skills, emotional intelligence and personal interests. Individual plans are developed for each student which sets academic goals, specialist projects, extension lessons, interschool competition or mentoring programs. 

Students with special talents are supported through independent study sessions, interschool competitions and programs and have opportunities to showcase their talents to all stakeholders. 

Arbor has links with a number of external businesses who provide mentoring, and work placed curriculum enrichment to highly able students. 

Accomplished student policy + photos of special projects 


  • Wellbeing and Therapeutic Services

Arbor students have access to a range of therapeutic services and qualified staff. Onsite we have two student counsellors who oversee the individual wellbeing of all students alongside the pastoral leaders. The counsellors provide individual and group support and guidance to parents through monthly workshops and information sessions whilst the Thrive teachers offer social communication and friendship groups. Across the school, student wellbeing ambassadors develop and monitor the provision available to all students. 

Wellbeing is a core value at the Arbor school and all students access positive psychology practices through the Positive Education Curriculum which is embedded across the whole school. Students reflect on their own wellbeing using the PERMAV model which is an extension to the PERMA model designed by positive psychologist Marting Seligman. 

The Arbor school works closely with a number of external partners who offer therapeutic services such as speech therapy, OT and family counselling. 

Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy and Procedures. 

  • Pathways

As an inclusive school Arbor offers a unique range of different pathways based on a student’s ability,    independence, language skills and long term goals and aspirations. For some students, independent living might be the priority, whilst for others the focus might highlight extending their understanding of sustainable practices in engineering. 

Enough for all, forever.