The curriculum offered at the Arbor School is an essential response to changes in the nature of schooling, society and the environment. Based on the National Curriculum for England, it has been developed to ensure that the subjects, programs of study and outcomes are delivered to the highest standard whilst ensuring our children are engaged, challenged and reflective.

We believe that children learn best through real-life projects and themes that provide meaningful context and purpose allowing for project-based, cross-curricular topic approaches in which independent learning flourishes.

Our learning outcomes are delivered through the National Curriculum for England , with specific focus placed upon literacy and numeracy. The Arbor School then further enriches the curriculum within specialist lessons for languages and creative subjects, highlighted by a core commitment to experiential learning.



Ecoliteracy, sustainability and environmental justice form the three pillars at the core of the Arbor School vision, “Enough for all, forever.”.

And while sustainability and environmental justice provide framing contexts for deep and ethical thinking, learning and action, ecoliteracy provides an overarching way of thinking about the world in terms of its interdependent natural and human systems, and the impact of human actions.

Ecoliteracy is more than content or subject matter. It is the way we chart a meaningful and sustainable path that respects the environment as the common ground on which all human social and economic interests and activities play out. Without globally healthy and fully functioning ecological systems, human well-being and development are compromised, and our vision of a world where there is enough for all forever is not attainable.

Despite the enormity of this challenge, the Arbor School approaches Ecoliteracy with a profound sense of optimism. We have specifically chosen to frame our learning program in the language of Ecoliteracy.

Ecoliteracy is different from earlier trends in environmental education, which viewed humans as a destructive force in nature and pursued education as a path to curb destruction. An Ecoliteracy approach is one that prepares learners to proactively and systematically consider ecological and human social well-being in personal actions and community decision-making

Enough for all, forever.