At Arbor School, we instil a love for learning from the very first steps and we recognise the importance of children having a secure and engaging start to their formal education. Our school vision develops an understanding of the world and how it is changing and we nurture sustainable mindsets through our eco-literacy specialism and our incredible facilities.

We follow a framework from the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, which focuses on the wellbeing and development of children, through a play based approach. Through specialist teaching areas that include climate-controlled biodomes, learning gardens, food technology kitchen, art, drama and music studios, our unique environment will enhance your child’s first hand experiences.

During Foundation Stage 1 and 2, we concentrate specifically on developing children’s physical, social and communication skills. This learning continues into FS2, with a shift of focus onto reading, writing, and problem solving.

We also look at the wider world and try to understand how and why things happen and our youngest pupils are inspired to explore and experiment with art, music and other creative pursuits which is present in our project celebrations and performances.


Walking into Arbor is like walking into a second home, the staff are so friendly and kind! The atmosphere is so relaxed and welcoming, it really is just a fantastic environment to raise children in. I’m so grateful for such a space that my child can grow and flourish in. - FS1 parent


  • National curriculum for England with Early years framework that focuses on 7 Areas of Learning.
  • Well-planned regular outdoor learning for students.
  • Unique facilities and specialist teaching areas that include climate-controlled biodomes, learning gardens, food technology kitchen, art, drama and music studios.
  • UK trained and highly experienced teachers, supported by high level teaching assistants.
  • Small class sizes that allow for special individualised attention.
  • Specialist classes including Native and Non-Native Arabic, Eco-science, Music, PE, and Swimming, all taught by specialist teachers.
  • Snacks and school lunches freshly prepared on-site, safely packaged, and delivered direct to classrooms. Our menus cater for vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets.
  • Bus service is provided by STS and an extensive route is offered throughout Dubai.
  • Drop off between 7:45 am and 8:10 am. Pick up from 1 pm.

Ecoliteracy is more than content or subject matter. It is the way we chart a meaningful and sustainable path that respects the environment as the common ground on which all human social and economic interests and activities play out. Without globally healthy and fully functioning ecological systems, human well-being and development are compromised, and our vision of a world where there is enough for all forever is not attainable.

Despite the enormity of this challenge, the Arbor School approaches Ecoliteracy with a profound sense of optimism. We have specifically chosen to frame our learning program in the language of Ecoliteracy.

Ecoliteracy is different from earlier trends in environmental education, which viewed humans as a destructive force in nature and pursued education as a path to curb destruction. An Ecoliteracy approach is one that prepares learners to proactively and systematically consider ecological and human social well-being in personal actions and community decision-making

Enough for all, forever.