Parent and Community Engagement

Parent and Community Engagement

At Arbor School, effective communication is at the heart of our community-driven ethos. As a school committed to sustainability, inclusivity, and holistic education, we strive to ensure that all stakeholders, including parents, staff, students, and the wider community, are kept well-informed and engaged. 

At the heart of our school is building strong relationships with parents and we are very proud of the close connection we have built with our families.  Feedback from our annual surveys is incredibly positive and our parents always recognise the value of the community we share at Arbor.

There is a wide range of opportunities to engage with the Arbor community, some of which are formal, whereas others are informal sessions to learn, share and celebrate. Please scroll down below to learn more.

Friends of Arbor is a parent group which aims to enrich the Arbor experience and connect, support and provide a nurturing community for both current families and families who are new to Arbor and UAE.

This incredible team of volunteers organise ever-popular social and cultural events such as annual Trunk and Treat, Ramadan Bazaar, sell pre-loved uniforms, arrange coffee mornings for new families, offer support at all kinds of school celebrations, and much, much more.

Aside from participating in social activities or volunteering, parents who want to play an active role in supporting communication between school and home can also volunteer to become class champions. As part of their role, class champions also help connect parents in the same class with each other, assist in supporting class or school celebrations & events, organize class gifts and other activities which help to enrich the experience for all.

For more information on how to volunteer, please contact our parent relations team at

Arbor runs a dedicated programme of workshops and parent information sessions to support its parent community covering a range of themes including personal growth and wellbeing, parenting strategies, education and curriculum support, hot topics and inspiring speakers.

Some of the workshops and parent information sessions previously held include:

  • Positive Psychology & using the Perma+ model to boost wellbeing
  • Building blocks of belief- A guide to fostering self esteem
  • Dr Ashleigh’s Book Group- No Drama Discipline
  • Supporting your child with learning differences
  • Understanding Arbor Capabilities
  • Tour of Arbor’s Green Spaces

Supporting our children with exam stress

The Underhyped Importance of Play

Parent Gardening Workshop

Developing Resilience and Independence in Students




Enough for all, forever.